Title: DICE 2010: “Design Outside the Box”
Context: Facebook, reality, gaming, ubiquitous scoring systems, positive reinforcement behavior modification. It’s all in there.
Synopsis: This is a longish video (:30 minutes) of a tour de force presentation that looks at how we are just now on the cusp of a revolution in human nature centered on what drives us to achieve, compete and live. The formulation of user experience is increasingly moving towards a model where we track and improve our performance, benchmarked against ourselves, our friends and coworkers and indeed the very tools and platforms we engage with each and every day. Sometimes funny, sometimes scary, always thought provoking; watch this tonight instead of that crappy sitcom and who knows, you might just get super bonus points!
Best Bit: Have a dream about your mom dancing with a giant Pepsi can? Good for you. You get +20 points. (Trust me, that will make sense once you watch the video.)
via youtube.com
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