Pretty soon “usability” won’t be enough. We are going to have to start considering “robotability” as well.

posted in: users | 0

Title: Why These German Researchers Became Self-Driving Cars Context: Design empathy isn’t just for users anymore. Synopsis: As designers, we constantly fret over the conditions within which our end users must operate. We often go to great lengths to put … Continued

You can lead a stakeholder to change, but you can’t make him drink, but you can probably make him change.

posted in: process | 0

Title: How IDEO Designers Persuade Companies to Accept Change Context: Having trouble designing for someone? Try designing with them instead. Synopsis: The job of a designer is hardly limited to the act of designing. Especially when working for — and … Continued

Design without empathy can be really, really scary. Like, “I need to be sedated I’m so scared” scary.

posted in: design | 0

Title: The Story of Doug Dietz: Creative Confidence in the MRI Suite Context: When design is at its best it doesn’t make products better, it makes people’s lives better. Synopsis: It is entirely possible to design something and convince yourself … Continued