If you don’t like change, you’re going to like voice control, chatbots, and augmented reality even less.

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Title: How the future of the user interface will redefine your job
Context: Job descriptions evolve. Professional skills change. The gainfully employed understand and embrace this.
Synopsis: The world is changing. Easy statement to make, because it’s always true. The hard thing is to predict where it is going. In the case of user interface design—as a profession—it behooves us to at least try to understand the trajectory of the products we design, if for no other reason, then to ensure our continued gainful employment in the coming years. Our skill set will need to reflect the technologies driving human/technology interaction and interface paradigms through which instruction and response are transacted. Pixels, buttons, taps, and clicks are today’s modes but voice, text, and virtual/augmented space are—like the future itself—already here, just not evenly distributed yet. But it’s never too late to get a head-start on what lies ahead. It will look really good on a resume anyway.
Best Bit: “As designers we will no longer be pushing pixels. Rather we will be considering all kinds of interactions from voice to text.”

via envato.com

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