"I haz a prinzipul, it iz unsertin"

20 things to do so that your user interface doesn’t suck.

posted in: UI | 0

Title: Principles of User Interface Design
Context: What? You are looking for a list of 20 things that all UX designers should know? Well then, today is your lucky day…
Synopsis: As far as list of 20 things that explain everything one needs to know about a topic, this is a pretty good one. From the importance of clarity as a guiding principle (#2) to the crucial interface zero state (#16), some of these often overlooked UI principles seem esoteric at first glance but as I read I could easily remember cases where each had been used to great positive effect. Sure there’s a few trite examples thrown in (#18 “Great design is invisible” had me stifling an overwhelming desire to shout “Duh!”) but there’s more to like than dislike about a list that forces us as designers to confront the seemingly impossible – but highly desirable – “One primary action per screen” rule. Remember, we design things to be used (#20). So don’t give the author the impression that his enjoyable article has failed; read it now!
Best Bit: “Don’t worry about stating the obvious…the obvious almost never is.”

via bokardo.com

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