The user experience of user experience teams.

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Title: Designing the Right Team for UX : An Art and a Science
Context: Hey! I’m on a user experience team! What a coincidence!
Synopsis: There’s more to designing a good user experience than just putting a bunch of designers in a room and letting them have at it. No, much like the products we all work on, the teams that we are all a part of must also be crafted and designed with a keen eye directed towards optimizing the experience of being part of a user experience team. As we collaborate with other stakeholders, advocate for the end user and push pixels into place to achieve desired results we are bound to run into conflict, confusion and our fair share of dead ends. This is to be expected, but the real key to ensuring the success of our tasks, and, more importantly, our own professional self-fulfillment lies not solely in a successful end product, but rather in a fruitful journey to the end game where the emotional valleys have been far outweighed by the euphoric peaks. No project (or team for that matter) is ever perfect, much like there does not exist a perfect design solution (otherwise we’d all be out of a job) so what we seek is a process that demonstrates continuous improvement and satisfaction for ourselves, which is sure to be reflected in the things that we create.
Best Bit: “Experiences have become a competitive differentiator that can make or break a product or a campaign. The same rules should apply to how we manage our internal resources: the experience matters.”


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