I *should’ve* posted this weeks ago but my inner critic is right, I suck…

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Title: Banishing Your Inner Critic
Context: Everyone has an inner critic but not everyone lets it sabotage their productivity.
Synopsis: You know exactly what the inner critic does to undermine your confidence, yet most of us sit there and take it rather than telling that obnoxious little piss-ant to shut its pie hole so we can get some work done. No, the inner critic speaks loudly and with authority. It knows that you are a complete fraud and that your ideas generally suck and that the only reason why you’ve got to where you are today is because you’ve been lucky and if you don’t stand up and admit it – right this second – everyone will point and laugh and you will be thrown in a dungeon to let rats gnaw on your pathetically uncreative brain for the rest of eternity. If you had an acquaintance who told you these things you’d tell him to take a hike and would pay him no mind. Yet the inner critic is allowed to run rampant, saying and doing horrible things without constraint. Well, stupid inner critic I say. There is no reason or rule requiring you to listen to this hogwash – much less be cowed by it. Rebel! Fight back! Ignore without peril. Critique your inner critic and see how he likes it.
Best Bit: “By placing you inner critic on the defensive, you can challenge, and even attempt to make fun of, the hollow voice that is mocking your efforts and dismissing your competence.”

via alistapart.com

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