Artists are from (a highly aesthetic) Mars. Designers are from (a very functional) Venus.

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Title: The Difference between Artists and Designers
Context: Where does art end and design begin?
Synopsis: Art and design often get lumped together under the same “aesthetic” umbrella. But this is an unfairly simplistic view of both disciplines. Artists and designers have different agendas even if we often find ourselves using similar tools and processes. Can designers produce art and artists design things? Sure, it’s possible but art and design as activities diverge in relation to how each plans to interact with the people expected to consume their output. Surely the intentions of the artist and the designer being different should encourage us to be more aware of the often mutually exclusive relationship between what each hopes to achieve. So the next time you are tempted to pull out the old “art and design” chestnut, maybe what you should really say is “art OR design”.
Best Bit: “The purpose of a design is to motivate the audience to take an action. It might be to use a service, purchase a product, or to visit some place.”


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