Engineers vs. Designers: Can’t we all just get along?

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Title: Engineers vs. Designers
Context: I’ve got nothing against engineers. Some of my best friends are engineers.
Synopsis: There is a war in most companies. A war between transitions and speed. A battle between animation and performance. These skirmishes take place in the team meeting and brainstorming session, amongst design specifications and engineering requirements. Why do we fight these battles day in and day out? Aren’t we teammates? Don’t we all want the same things? Isn’t everybody’s goal to make happy users and customers?!?! The answer to all of these rhetorical questions is of course is a resounding “Yes!” So then why can’t we get along? Well of course, resources, timelines and corporate philosophies are to blame. The participants on the ground are innocent bystanders in a quagmire wrought by people far above them on the org chart. What this calls for is not further division and conflict but cooperation and collaboration. Engineers and designers of the world unite, throw off your shackles of oppression and start making really cool and slick and responsive products. Your users are waiting for the revolution. But not patiently.
Best Bit: “What engineers and designers need to understand is that one side doesn’t work at its best without the other.”


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