Design: A love letter.

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Title: The Good, Bad, The Creative (Thesis Documentary)
Context: A design student interviews a bunch of people in a quest to figure out what makes good – or bad – design.
Synopsis: Sometimes I forget how interesting college was. Instead of working to earn a paycheck, students work for the pure love of what they are trying to master. There is a purity and innocence to these explorations that, by strict definition, almost never carry over into one’s professional life. It’s a shame really because the conferrrance of a degree does not, and should not, mark the loss of wonder, exploration and love of what we do. Sure the craft of school projects is often cringe worthy, but the passion behind those efforts more than makes up for it. The beauty of this video in my opinion is not so much the content, which is interesting, but rather the blatant honesty with which it is carried out. It is a love letter to design, raw and unformed, but powerful in spirit.
Best Bit: “To any designer that really wants to make an impact, please do it on the sole basis of loving design and loving art, and don’t do it for any other reason than that because you will be disappointed and you will produce crap, crap work.”


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