If you are at work while your family sits at home wondering when you will get there, you need to watch this right now.

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Title: Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work
Context: If your job is the most important thing in your life, you need to seriously reexamine your life.
Synopsis: We work hard. And we should be proud of that. We contribute and achieve and succeed, and these are all important things for our sense of self and well being. But this is a small – almost infinitesimal – part of what really matters about life. Happiness is, or should be, your primary goal in life. If you are successful in your work life and miserable in your personal life, you are a failure. The fact is that we don’t always feel empowered to put our personal life over our work life, and this is sad. Deriving satisfaction from a job well done is a great feeling, but getting a hug from someone you love after spending some of your precious time on them is far and away a better one. I would suggest that each of you examine your work/life balance as it exists now and think long and hard about what it would take to bring it into a better place, a more satisfying place, not just for you, but for the rest of your family. Write down what this place looks like and share it with your boss and talk about what it will take to get from here to there. In the long run, you will be happy that you did.
Best Bit: “There are thousands and thousands of people out there, leading lives of quiet, screaming desperation, where they work long hard hours, at jobs they hate, to enable them to buy things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like.”

via youtube.com

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