Creativity is a hard and thankless job. Now get back to work, you only have 3 hours to finish this design.

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Title: Protecting Your Creativity in a Culture that Doesn’t Value It
Context: Let me say this right off the bat: I value your creativity. Big time. No matter what all those other people say about you. (C’mon. These are jokes people.)
Synopsis: Sometimes it is easy to blame our jobs, the people we work with and/or our crushing workloads for not feeling creatively fulfilled in our professional lives. The truth is however, that it is up to ourselves to make sure that we are flexing our creative muscles to their maximum potential. Nobody is going to stop what they are doing to make sure your thoughts and ideas are being heard. Just because you want to be creative doesn’t mean that you will be creative. Like anything else in life, it takes hard work and sacrifice in order to achieve creative actualization. Sure, not everyone is going to appreciate your brilliant ideas, and sure lots of your ideas are going to be sacrificed on the altar of expediency and sure there will even be times when your creativity will be flat out wrong, but so what? We are creative beings, not because it’s easy but because that’s what we do. And they never said it was going to be easy…
Best Bit: “Once you’ve figured out what’s valued, look for ways to introduce creativity (defined as ‘seeing things in new and different ways’) into areas the organization values. While you may be stretched to introduce creativity in what you think are non-traditional areas, it’s vital for your creative health.”


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