Form follows function isn’t just a good idea, it’s the law. Well, at least it should be.

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Title: Designing from the Inside-Out: Behaviour as the Engine of Product Design
Context: What does your product look like? Just kidding, no one cares. How your product works is what matters.
Synopsis: Nice presentation that asks designers to forget about the aesthetics of the things we design (just for a moment) and start looking at the “why” of these products before moving on to the more traditional design tasks we are generally asked to contribute. Forget features, which yes, can be points of differentiation, and concentrate on behavior, which yes, is where differentiation manifests itself. Users (and product teams) think that they are always looking for the next hot feature, but what they really want is the ability to perform actions more efficiently/pleasurably/effectively. Maybe we need to stop always trying to make things different and instead spend more time trying to make things better.
Best Bit: “There is a big difference between: Design a shower and Design something to clean a person”


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