Innovation is not an action item and it rarely comes labelled with a price tag.

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Title: The Seven Deadly Sins of Innovation
Context: The barriers to innovation are obvious. Overcoming them? Not so much.
Synopsis: IDEO honcho talks about what prevents true innovation from happening in the workplace. There’s nothing here that’s shocking. Heck, there’s nothing even mildly surprising. What is shocking however is how much lip service people pay to the idea of innovation, yet rarely clear the decks for their people to achieve it. Here’s what it boils down to: talking about innovation doesn’t do a damn thing. Empowering your employees to seriously tackle innovation requires dedication and sustained executive commitment. This means scaling back commitments, roadmaps and assignments until innovation takes root and becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The most expensive component of innovation is time.
Best Bit: “You have to get outside of the office, outside of the conference room and be open to innovation answers from unexpected places.”


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