“Quick wins” are rarely ever “quick” almost never “wins”. Discuss.

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Title: Embracing Quick Wins… and Quick Losses
Context: When is a loss a win? When you lose quicker than winning slow. “Take that, turtle!” said the hare.
Synopsis: Anyone who’s sat in any type of business critical meeting recently has doubtlessly heard the phrase “quick wins” repeated ad nauseum. But what does that really mean? More importantly, do stakeholders really have the stomach to find out the answer? Because, invariably, the flip side of the “quick win” coin is the “quick loss” which can be almost as valuable. But it takes a strong belief in your product teams to be encouraged by their failure in addition to their successes. Sometimes, success is what you are left with once you’ve eliminated all the other possibilities. With that said, go forth and fail! Just be quick about it.
Best Bit: “A Quick ‘Loss’ should be considered beneficial, especially if valuable learnings, intellectual property and design components are captured for potential re-use.”

via disruptorleague.com

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