Good design is good business. Bet they didn’t teach you that in your fancy MBA program.

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Title: Bringing Design to the Business World
Context: Is design important to business? I think we all know the answer to that question. (Hint: it’s “yes”.)
Synopsis: Business has traditionally considered design an “expense” and secondary to the success of a corporation behind the more traditional captain-of-industry type people who get to keep their hands clean. One of the best ways to overcome this prejudice is to get MBAs, engineers and designers (et al.) together in school and teach them to play nice before they even enter the business world. Of course for those of us who are a bit beyond our college years, the job of convincing our coworkers may be somewhat harder but even more important. Maybe the best way to do it is to just show everyone else how much fun we have doing our design voodoo all day.
Best Bit: “Design is not a short term thing. The people who have done it well have been in it for the long haul.”


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